Welcome to Fictionhood

Having a hard time selecting what you should read next? Want to know if the book that you've been recommended is actually worth your while? If so, you've come to the right place.

Through this blog, I'm basically trying to accomplish a platform where I can voice out my personal, yet unbiased, honest reviews and ratings on various kinds of books in the hopes that it helps you decide on what to read next.

These reviews will include a short description where a basic idea of the storyline is given, my personal opinions and ideas on the book, and my final rating on it out of 5.

PS. All these reviews are spoiler free and warnings are provided if otherwise.

Let's begin:)


  1. This may be a bit out of place but nevertheless. On your 17th birthday, I’d like to praise you on making it. School’s going to end in a few months, and a whole beautiful journey lies ahead. Enjoy whatever’s left of school, for, these are the bittersweet years of your life. Have some fun, travel, study well, and write many, many more book reviews!

    There’s a lot you are capable of a lot if you set your mind to it. Engineering may or may not be your forte, but you do have a gift in writing. I know you will find the balance to manage both, and hope you get clarity on what to pursue- at the right time. Happy Birthday Sanjana.


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